About Us

We are the Creekview Neighborhood Association

The Creekview Neighborhood Association (CNA) is a volunteer-based, nonprofit organization invested in community improvement, engagement and support. 

As a chapter of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA), we plan and execute family-friendly events in the Winding Creek neighborhood while simultaneously helping neighbors connect with each other and local resources.

Membership is open to any resident who lives or owns property in the Creekview (Winding Creek) neighborhood boundaries.

See if you live in the Creekview Neighborhood

of the Creekview Neighborhood Association

What is RCONA?

In 1993, the City of Roseville Police Department began the formation of Neighborhood Associations as a part of their award winning community policing program. Today the City of Roseville is divided in to 42 Neighborhood Associations, with Neighborhood Police Officers assigned to each and a team of city staff led by the Neighborhood Services Division that work directly with the associations. Volunteers participating in their Neighborhood Association work to improve their neighborhoods and maintain a high quality of life.

Citizens and staff work together on a variety of projects such as crime prevention, park development, resolution of development related issues, neighborhood team building and much more. Neighborhood Association Representatives make up the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA).

RCONA Website

The RCONA Mission

Our mission is to improve the social, physical, and economic health in the Roseville Community by sharing information, facilitating training and education, providing resources, and encouraging communication and participation among neighborhoods, government, educational institutions, businesses, and other participants.

RCONA Website

The Purpose of RCONA / What We Do

Meet our Board Members

President  -  Jesus Arechiga
Vice President - Suzanne Kisting-Leung
Secretary - Nichole Mace
Treasurer - Harry Nath
Member-at-Large - Jeremy Sookhoo
Member-at-Large - Mary Konow
Member-at-Large - Traci Algots

More info on Board Members

Meet our Committee Chairs

Communications Committee - Nichole Mace
Welcoming Committee - Suzanne Kisting-Leung
Parks & Rec Committee - Traci Algots
Development Affairs Committee - Jeremy Sookhoo

Want to get involved in a committee?

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