Board of Directors

The Creekview Neighborhood Association Board of Directors is tasked with managing the affairs, setting policy and speaking on behalf of the Creekview Neighborhood Association. 

The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of four (4), and no more than eight (8) members, who are elected by the Association members present at the Annual Election Meeting held annually between November 1 and January 30. Elected Board Members each serve a one (1) year term. 

Meet the Board

Anna Sanchez


Milad Parsa


Past Members

Our Neighborhood association honors our past members of the board

Jesus Arechiga

Served as President

Traci Algots 

Served as  President

Nichole Mace

Served as Secretary and Communications Committee Chair

Harry Nath

Served as Member-at-Large

Jeremy Sookhoo 

Founding member

Served as Member-at-Large

Learn more about Board Member responsibilities in our Bylaws.